News, Update Adam Weatherly News, Update Adam Weatherly

Warm Christmas Greetings From Spain

Christmas in Spain is so beautiful. In Madrid, we don’t get much snow, but the decorations are extravagant. From lights that line the streets, even in the smaller villages, to huge and intricate Nativity displays, it seems hard to miss the real meaning of Christmas. However, for so many Spaniards it’s only cultural. …

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Devotional, Prayer Adam Weatherly Devotional, Prayer Adam Weatherly

5 Tips to Develop A Habit of Prayer

Prayer is what gives us the strength to endure all the things that are going to take place in our lives. At its simplest definition, Prayer is communication and fellowship with God. It’s about building and maintaining a relationship with Him. Sometimes we pray with our hands clasped together as we bow our heads and close our eyes. But prayer is so much more than this.

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News Adam Weatherly News Adam Weatherly

Weatherly Report • Spring 2023

We have been back in Spain for 10 months now, and are at the end of language school. Though language study will be a never-ending process. We still have a long way to go, but

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Adam Weatherly Adam Weatherly

Evangelistic Postcards

At the end of December, our friend Karen from On The Red Box reached out to me. She saw some of my illustration work on Facebook, and wanted to know if I could help create illustrations for their evangelistic postcards. At first, I was a little apprehensive…

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Adam Weatherly Adam Weatherly

Feria de Abril & Flamenco Dancing

This weekend in our small little pueblo (village) was a celebration called Feria de Abril. This fair happens two weeks after Semana Santa (Holy Week). It originally started in the city of Seville but

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Update, News Adam Weatherly Update, News Adam Weatherly

The Weatherly's Fall Update

Our family has been in Spain, boots on the ground since midsummer. Since that time we have been able to find a home to rent and have been getting settled into our new town and home. Adam has been attending language school in the very…

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Photography, Spain Adam Weatherly Photography, Spain Adam Weatherly

God’s Majestic Sunrise

God has really blessed me here in Spain. Every morning as I eat breakfast and read my Bible I get to watch a beautiful sunrise. With each new day comes a new scene of God’s glory and goodness. Most days I’ll take a few minutes to take in the majesty of the…

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Culture, Photography, Spain Adam Weatherly Culture, Photography, Spain Adam Weatherly

Crona and the Apple Tart

At the end of every week after spending hours upon hours in language school, I treat myself to a pastry of some sort. Along the 15-minute walk from class to my car, I pass by about a dozen Pastelería shops. So I decided to get some pastries to share with the fam. Normally, I photograph what

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Adam Weatherly Adam Weatherly

The Mirror's Deception - Álava's Story

Bulimia and anorexia began knocking at Esther’s door at an early age. Hatred for her reflection in the mirror fed her desire to have the perfect body. After becoming enslaved… . Check out this story of how God impacted Álava’s life.

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Update, News Adam Weatherly Update, News Adam Weatherly

First Week In Spain

The past few weeks have flown by like an Oklahoma tornado. We received our Spanish visas, packed up our house, and moved to Spain. Yes, you read that correctly. After waiting for our visas for 9 months, we finally arrived in Spain. We have been in Spain for 1 week now and are both excited and overwhelmed at the same time.

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News Adam Weatherly News Adam Weatherly

¿Que Pasa Amigos? Here's an update from the Weatherlys

The time has finally come to announce that we have a date for our return to Spain! June 29th!! In a few short weeks, we will be leaving our stateside home and family and heading back over the pond to the place of our calling. This has been a very long, grueling, and patience-testing time for us. But with God's help and your partnership, we are finally on our way to working with the local Spanish Global University!

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Adam Weatherly Adam Weatherly

Invisible Giants

We all fight against INVISIBLE GIANTS. In the famous Spanish novel by Cervantes, Don Quixote fought against windmills that he thought were giants. In this dramatized video, Fernando tells about the giant emptiness within him that he could not dominate or satisfy, until one day he had a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ that vanquished all of the inner giants of sin in his life.

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