Every Man, Every Church, Every Role: 6

Be Courageous and Do the Work

Building the temple was a huge task. With any large tasks, there are challenges. David knew that Solomon was going to face many challenges in building the temple. He wanted to let his son know that he needed to press forward, and complete the job.

1 Chronicles 28:20 Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished.

David wanted Solomon to meet the danger and difficulties with firmness. It was going to take a lot of courage to do the work at hand. There were going to be plenty of frustrating times where discouragement could set in. That’s why his father said the “Lord is with you, and will not forsake you.” As long as Solomon was doing what he was supposed to, God was going to step in to make sure that everything was going to be ok.

When we do the work in the church, there will be times that are very difficult and frustrating. If we are not careful that frustration can lead to discouragement. When those frustrating times arise, we need to stand strong and meet the difficulties we will face with firmness. As we perform our role in the church, God will be with us. He will see to it that everything is ok, and moving in a positive direction.


Every Man, Every Church, Every Role: 7


Every Man, Every Church, Every Role: 5