Every Man, Every Church, Every Role: 7

Every Man, Every Church, Every Role

Skilled Craftsmen

There was a lot of work that needed to be done to build the Temple. Some of it was outside of the skill set of Solomon, priests, and Levites. If they were going to build the temple, they would need skilled men to help them with the task at hand.

1 Chronicles 28:21b …every willing man skilled in any craft will help you in all the work….

Because of Solomon’s Kingship, he had every man in Israel at his disposal. All the leaders and people would obey his every command. So when he needed a specific task to be done, he called on skilled Israelites to do the work. He used designers, craftsmen, and artist to do physically build the church. These men were carpenters, embroiderers, metal workers, masons, and many other types of skilled craftsman. Each skilled craftsman had their role to play in building the temple of God.

In today’s church, there is a lot of work that needs to be done. Frankly, there is quite a bit of work that is outside the skill set of the pastor. If we are going to have strong healthy growing churches, it’s going to take every man using the skills that God has given him. Every man in every church has a skillset they use for their job or hobby that could fulfill a role.


Burial of the Sardine


Every Man, Every Church, Every Role: 6