Every Man, Every Church, Every Role: 5

Every Man, Every Church, Every Role

Do The Work

During Solomon’s commissioning, his father charges him with a big plate. Building the temple wasn’t an easy thing to do. It was going to take a long time to accomplish. If it was going to be done right there was going to be some blood, sweat, and tears involved. David knew the difficulty that Solomon was going to have, so he gave him something to think about and encouraged him.

1 Chronicles 28:10 Consider now, for the LORD has chosen you to build a temple as a sanctuary. Be strong and do the work.

David knew that God chose his son to build the temple. It was a huge task that needed to be accomplished. David also knew that it was going to take a lot of hard work to finish it, so he told Solomon “Be strong and do the work” to encourage him.

Think about it, God has called every man in every church to a specific role. It's a great honor to be chosen by God to serve the church in whatever role it may be. Each role has its challenges. Whatever the role and the challenges are, we can take what David told Solomon as an encouragement. In your role at the church, God has called you to do it, so “Be strong and do the work.”


Every Man, Every Church, Every Role: 6


Every Man, Every Church, Every Role: 4