Bible Graphic & Wallpaper
So here recently I was looking for a graphic to go along with a social media post called "Everyday Tips For Studying the Bible" (in the making). I searched the internet and couldn't find the graphic I was looking for. Every once in a while, I need a graphic thats not been created yet, so I end up making it myself. In the process of making it, I thought that it could also be used for screen graphics, and other ministry / church use. Below are the results of the images I needed to create. Some of them are sized for screen graphics (1920x1080), and others are for print media. Please feel free to download them to use however you see fit for your ministry. Or use them as a wallpaper on your computer or tablet device to help you remember to pray for us as we raise our funds.
To download, double click on an image, then right click and save.