How to Lead When You're Not in Charge

Each month our Area Director sends an email with updates, encouraging words, and my favorite part…a book recommendation. I love books! A few months ago one of the books caught my eye and then heard the same book mentioned in a podcast. I was intrigued and soon started reading it.

As Christians we are all called to lead in some capacity, but how are we supposed to lead when we are not in charge? There is always someone to answer to, which is good, but sometimes it can be hard. Anyone who has had more than one job or even volunteers know that not every boss is created equal, and not all are easy.

The book “How to Lead When You’re Not in Charge” by Clay Scroggins is very insightful. It's not about, how to take over. We know that God has put all our authorities over us for a reason. This goes for both the church ministry and corporate worlds. However, it is more about how you lead yourself. This is what we are all called to do.

The most important takeaway for me is that I need to drop all expectations of the leaders over me. I’ve worked for some good leaders, some great leaders, and some horrible leaders. When I look back on my career, I look at the great leaders, the things they did and placed those expectations on every leader since then. Because of that, I’ve made my life more difficult by the expectations I’ve placed on the Leadership I serve under. Honestly, these are unfair expectations. Every leader (whether good or bad) is different in how they lead and manage people and relationships.

So whether you are the leader of your ministry or business, or you are the lowest person on the totem pole, I recommend reading this book. If you’re the main leader, read it from the perspective of the people who God has given to work with you. And if you are someone who isn’t in charge, it's great for figuring out how to become a leader without being in charge.

“When you’re not in charge, you can still take charge. You should take charge of you.”
~ Clay Scroggins


Weatherly's in Spain eNews Update Spring 2019


Preparing the Way