It's Been A Year…


It's Been A Year…

Its been a year since tragedy hit our family.

Friday June, 25th 2015 Bethany was 7 months pregnant, and went in for her normal check up. As she was getting an ultrasound done, the tech stepped out of the room, and Bethany was instructed to go to the doctors office. A few short minutes later, the Doctor walked in to give the news. "I'm so sorry, your baby's heart quit beating." Our baby girl had passed away.

About 10 am that morning, my pastor showed up to my job saying he needed me to come with him. It was in his car I received a phone call from my mother, who was with Bethany, telling me what had happened.

Just a few very long hours later, Bethany gave birth to our still born daughter. At 4:35, our baby girl, Deborah Joy, was born at 3 lbs 4 oz, but her spirit was already with our Heavenly Father. We named her after her God Grandmother, Debbie.

Right after, Debbie was born, I had the opportunity to hold my baby girl in my arms. For about 20 minutes I prayed, dedicating her to God, and asked for Him to take care of her for us. Even through the difficult time we were going through, we felt the peace of the Holy Spirit like we have never felt before.

Later that night my friend, mentor and local Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep representative, Heath Shelton of Shelton's Photography and Design, asked Amy to come and photograph our daughter for us. Those images were given to us so we could have a record of our daughter, and something to remember her by. (For more information about this ministry please visit

We never thought tragedy would hit our family like this, and as parents we never thought we would have to cope with the death of a child. The next day, June 26 marked our 6th year anniversary. Instead of celebrating our 6 years of marriage, we were at a funeral home picking out a casket for our baby girl.

(Quick Note: I want to thank Matthew's Funeral Home in Edmond for all their help. Because we had a stillborn baby, they provided us with a casket, funeral bulletins, and other funeral services at no cost to us. And they helped us find a place to lay our daughter to rest. We are so thankful for the ministry their team provided to us.)

On Monday, June 28th 2015, Bethany and I along with our family and close friends laid Debbie to rest. Pastor Ron McCaslin and Pastor Bob Walker of Spring Creek Assembly officiated the service for us.

We spend the rest of 2015, getting the proper counseling and help we need to rebuild our lives. Thank you to everyone who has supported us through prayer, friendship, and encouragement.

Below is one of the photographs of our beautiful Deborah Joy.

Baby Deborah Joy Hands & FeetNILMDTS-Baby-Deborah-Joy-(11)-web




OKAG Camp Meeting 2016


God Sized Dream