Our Mission
To connect people to the Gospel of Jesus as we Reach the Lost, Train the Found and Create Resources.
Reach the Lost
We will reach the lost through sharing the Gospel of Jesus whenever and wherever possible throughout Spain, Europe, and to the ends of the earth.
Train the Found
We will help train the found through teaching the Bible, ministry and media concepts to the next generation of church leaders both in and around Spain and Europe.
Create Resources
We will create resources to aid missionaries, national church leaders, and the local church in evangelism, discipleship, and church growth.
Global View
Spain is a beautiful country with an abundance of sunshine, plenty of people, and many many years of history. The most aggressive forces challenging Christianity in Spain are Islam and secularism. Spaniards don’t even consider God as an option. Jesus is off their radar.
Capital: Madrid
Population: 49.3 million
Unreached People Groups: 38
Born-again Christian: >1%
“It is the whole business of the whole church to preach the whole Gospel to the whole world. ”
Together, we can impact Spain with the Gospel
Meet the Weatherly’s
Adam and Bethany Weatherly
Serving Global University in Spain
We have served as missionaries since 2015. Our first term we served at International Media Ministries (IMM) helping to create the Heritage Project. During our time at IMM, our area director said, “We know that Spain is less than 1% evangelical Christian. If the rapture were to happen tomorrow, would Spaniards even notice.” This completely broke our hearts that there is a place on earth that was so lost, that if the rapture were to happen nobody there would notice.
Our heart is to return to Spain to work with Global University to help train the next generation of Christian workers and leaders to reach their own people in their own language and cultural context, and to create resources for evangelism, discipleship and church growth.
“It is a tremendous blessing to stand with those who give their lives to fulfill the great commission. Adam and Bethany Weatherly and their two sons deserve our love and support.”
“I have been acquainted with Adam and Bethany Weatherly and know them to be of the highest character. I highly recommend Adam & Bethany to you.”