April 2024 News

Greetings from Spain! 

We are so thankful it is springtime! The time of Easter, sunshine, and the renewal of the Spanish wildflowers. 

From Adam:

I’ve been traveling around Spain to assist our ministry leader, to promote resources we have available to help churches disciple new believers, and to aid pastors in furthering their ministerial education. 

I’ve been working with On The Red Box (an evangelism ministry in Madrid) by drawing landscapes of Spanish provinces that they use for creating evangelism tracts. Spaniards are much more likely to take and read a track that highlights the beauty of where they are from. 

I have been doing a lot of creative work for our local church, Global University, and other ministries around Spain and other parts of the world. 

I’ve been teaching a Church photography workshop in Spanish to help better equip church media teams. Thank you for praying for our language studies that have made this possible. 

Over the past 2 years, We’ve been building relationships with people in our community. One of them is my Barber who God gave me the opportunity to share my testimony while he was cutting my hair. My barber started asking me questions afterward. 

From Bethany:

Ministry here in Spain is very much a one-on-one ministry. Building real relationships with people day in and day out. 

I have enjoyed being able to disciple a few new believers in our local church and become very close with several in the community. 

It all began with our Speed the Light car. Many people in our small town don’t have a car, and public transportation is not always reliable. I have had the opportunity to spend time with other moms, other Christian workers, and unchristian friends who needed to run an errand or go to the grocery store. At first, it just felt like a nice thing to do, but I quickly found myself in some very deep spiritual conversations with people, who normally wouldn't open up about their struggles in life or faith in God. I realized very quickly that the Speed the Light vehicles that the youth of Oklahoma raise money for aren’t for blessing the missionary (though they do greatly) they are for blessing many more people that these youth might not ever know about. 

In addition to this, I have had the privilege to serve on the board of the American Evangelical Christian School. This has been a beautiful partnership across evangelical denominations, which gives both Christian and unchristian children a good Christ-centered education in a very dark corner of the world.

Right now I am overseeing a short-term missionary who has come to teach at this Christian school as she prays about becoming a missionary teacher long term. Please pray for us that more teachers are called to this school. 

Thank you so much for your prayers and support. We couldn’t do what we do without you.

Adam & Bethany Weatherly
Your Missionaries to Spain.


Ceuta Spain